Saturday, September 10, 2011

What software do you recommend I buy to go with my new digital camera?

I have just purchased a Fuji F31FD digital camera and would like photo editing software to go with it: the camera comes with software but I suspect it will be pretty basic.|||Adobe photoshop 7.0 or higher, been using it in my design work for years and its top class stuff!|||besided Adobe Photoshop, there is also Adobe Photo Elements which is very helpful|||adobe 7.0.But you could load the software,and see what it`s like.And if it is basic,then uninstall the program.Best wishes,happy Easter,shane.|||Photoshop (either 7 or PSCS or any version) is the top of the image working heap. Very expensive and big learning curve. PS's little brother, Elements, is as much program as most people need for a fraction of the cost. Try whatever the newest version of Elements is first. If it's not enough, you can always upgrade to the full version later.

Also Microsoft Digital Imaging Suites isn't too shabby.|||If your new to photo editing you will only require Photoshop Elements 5.0, this is extremely useful but may take time to master. Photoshop CS is kinda only for professionals or semi-pro.|||i know that a lot of people would say go buy photoshop which is a smart idea but its really hard to figure out %26amp; its really expensive i personally use paint shop pro %26amp; irfan view

they work great|||If you want to explore the world of Adobe Photoshop without spending the big money for the full product, get Photoshop Elements 5.0. It is a tremendously powerful program and it only sells for $99.00. You can get it at or any of the usual places you buy software.

You can use it practically right out of the box with the "Quick Fix" option and then you can advance into the full program, learning TONS about the Photoshop world as you go. Frankly, I think neither you nor I would ever explore the full capabilities of Photoshop Elements 5.0. If you ever DO think you are ready for more, you will already know much of what you will need to know about "real" Photoshop. They'll undoubtedly have a new and improved version by then. Since Nikon just came out with a totally new image editting package, Adobe will have to step up to the plate.

Many people use Picasa, although I have not. I don't know how powerful it is, but it's free.�?/a>|||I asked myself this question when I changed to Digital a few years ago, and I have found that Photoshop Elements, reasonably priced, does all that I need.|||photoshop is very good but a free software is picaso|||Go to download dot com and have a look there are some good free ones on there.|||Adobe Photoshop 7, as stated above, or the new Paint Shop Pro. 10 or 11. Cant remember...The new psp retails for about £90. Or, try downloading the GIMP. It's nearly as good as Adode CS2, and is free.

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