Saturday, September 10, 2011

What software automatically generates a list of all books written by an author?

I'm looking for a software that let me input the list of books I have[Author - Title], generates a list of all books written by the author and diffrentiates between the books I have and the ones I don't. The software I've seen only lets me work with books that I have and doesn't list out books that I don't have by the same author.|||ummm....i'd say your author and look at the list of books

then, maybe only capitalize the names of books you have and dont capitalize the names of books you dont...or some other way of differentiating them

that way, u can keep using the same software you're using|||A properly designed, intelligent spider could do that. By "intelligent," I mean that it has the capability of being trained, so that the first time it comes up with an invalid response, you can fine-tune it to "know" the difference between that and a relevant answer. It's a gradual process of training and feedback. The reason I suggested a spider is that it can search the web, just as Google's spiders do, seeking links to relevant information.

As for an existing program, I doubt you'll find one designed to do exactly what you ask, unless somebody put in all that info ahead of time. And how do you know it's up to date?

Well, let me rephrase that. There are massive databases like Lexis-Nexis, to which you can subscribe, but I'm not sure that's what you're asking.|||Try You can list books you have, books you want, and even books that you've read, but no longer have.

Plus you can search by series, title, author, or genre as well as other neat features. You don't have to subscribe but it's worth it IMHO.

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