Saturday, September 10, 2011

What software is available to put restrictions on programs and games?

My parents are concerned about my younger sibling's use of the computer. They spend way too much time playing games. Are there any software available that allows passwords on software before opening the programs?

We all use the same user and having different users is not the solution. I need software to allow only certain programs. Fort Knox have a program that locks your files, but that isnt going to work.

Any ideas or free ware out there? Please let me know!|||Well, Windows Vista has parental controls built right into the computer that let you limit usage. There are also third-party softwares out there like Webroot Parental Controls (however nothing free that I'm aware of).

It's worth noting that you pretty much HAVE to use multiple accounts on the same computer to limit usage. Otherwise the computer has no idea how it should limit certain games/programs/websites/etc. Adding extra accounts is a pretty trivial process though.

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